Saturday, March 28, 2009

His Word Prevails!

My wife and I just finished watching 2 Thessalonians from the ASL Bible. I first of all thank for making this Bible and other materials for the Deaf. Do you know its cost over 1 million dollars to make! One Deaf soul saved is worth more than all the money in the world and many Deaf souls have been saved as a result of this beautiful ministry.
I am amazed to see how something that was written 2,000 years ago is just as effective and important for Christians today to take heed to. I am always inspired and encouraged just as the first Christians were when they first read these letters of the Bible. Never did these writters ever think what they wrote 2,000 years ago under the Holy Spirit's influence still be used today. That in and of itself is a miracle and also shows that God was also thinking of us 2,000 years later when we needed it. God knew all His Children in Jesus Christ would need these letters called the Bible. I am jsut glad we the Deaf finally have our own ASL Bible. Thank you God in Jesus Christ for touching to make the ASL Bible. To God be all the Glory!

Jesus really does LOVE YOU!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

You Either Serve God or the devil, No Middle Ground

More and more we are seeing the numbers of American Christians growing smaller and smaller. Personally I believe those numbers are inflated as no one really wants to say they are not a Christian.  People like to say I do not believe in any religion or believe in a God, devil, Heaven or hell. They like to believe they are not serving anything but themselves. Serving anything other than God through Jesus Christ is of the devil, period! There is no middle ground or any way around hell with satan or Heaven with God. 
Any other beliefs or religions other than Salvation through Jesus Christ is of satan and those who follow satans ways will also live with satan in hell forever. Those who accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savoir and follow Him will live with God in Heaven FOREVER! To God be all the Glory!

Jesus really does LOVE YOU!

God Is Good?

YES God is always good. We love to sometimes blame ours or others actions on God. We must realize that we made this earths mess all by ourselves. The same way the the devil can not force us to anything, God does not either. Every action, thought we make or do is completly our fault. We become addicts because of our bad choices we first made, not because we have a sickness. All the blame falls completly on us, not others, not the devil, not God but YOU and ME, period!

Jesus really does LOVE YOU!


How can you serve Jesus Christ in Heaven when you do not serve Him here on earth?

Monday, March 16, 2009

God is Faith!

Hi Everyone,

I am taking a bath just like that black guy on MTV on his blackberry at the end of his show and just finished reading the 1st 3 chapters of Galations a most wonderful Book. It is interesting to see how Peter was just a imperfect man just like us. He denied Jesus when Jesus was taken captive before He was crucified. Then Peter stops eating with gentiles when the curcimcised Jews showed up, Barnabas a great man of God also did the same thing. Some religions worship Peter as a saint but he was no better than you or me. Paul also said he was a mere man like us all too and he is also worshiped as a saint. I do believe they will be rewarded probally more than most Christians in Heaven for their hard and suffering work they did. But, they are still mere mortals like you and me saved by Grace in Jesus alone and not by following rules, laws or being a member of any denomination. Our faith should show prove in good works and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. I know some Christians who do many good works but spew hatred from their hearts against others without any remorse. That is works of the flesh and no more. Go out today enjoying your freedom in Christ away from strict rules of religions and simply walk in Christ through His Holy Spirit. God bless and much love in Christ Jesus.

Brother in Christ Robert Barrett

Jesus really does LOVE YOU!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jesus really does LOVE YOU!